Please Don’t Pass


I’ve been noticing more and more passing with anxious drivers along Beach Drive.   Last weekend, I witnessed a small red car (a Rabbit?) pass a driver who was going around 30 mph (which happens to be the speed limit).   The car went into the other lane and nearly missed a bicyclist that was approaching in the oncoming lane.   I’ve seen all kinds of cars from exotics to clunkers pass other vehicles with drivers of all ages.

This is Beach DRIVE.  Not Beach Freeway or Beach Highway.  This neighborhood is full of families and pets.  With all the parks and Puget Sound, Beach Drive attracts bicyclist, runners, walkers…just people out for a stroll.  It’s a small strip of road that is dense with population.   And with the swerves, bumps and side streets, it’s not accommodating to high speeds.    

The passing I’ve seen lately is dangerous and it’s only time before an accident happens and someone is hurt.   Slow it down to 30 mph, folks.  Please reconsider passing the driver in front of you…most times, if someone is driving too slow, taking in the view, they’ll pull over and let you by when there’s room to do so.   

Tired of Seattle’s Zoning?

Yesterday this comment was left on Beach Drive’s post about how to leave a comment.  In the absence of having a true "forum" I suppose that’s the best place to do this (until I figure something else out).   Anyhow, Tom’s comment about our zoning (or lack thereof) has been sticking in my mind.    I also feel strongly about what is being allowed to happen to our neighborhoods and thought I should create a post about this comment instead of allowing it to be "buried" as a comment.   From Tom:

As a builder in WS I am so tired to see the zoning that is allowed in some of our neighborhoods. The city is to blame for this, our great mayor and team of DPD specialists that do not make the requirements tougher. What about design review, steel buildings being built in WS? What is up with that? Zoning and an architectural review board needs to be established or we will all be victims of this crisis. Building nice looking and well laid out units can be done, the only problem with other builders are $$$ and can they buy the big yacht.

In my opinion, you can truly tell the builders who have pride in their work and who perhaps live in the area apart from those who are trying to cram as many units they can onto a small lot for the sole purpose of $$$.   Okay…I’ve said my part. 

What do you think?

PS:  Another local blog I’ve enjoyed reading, which addresses smarter land use decisions in Seattle, is Smarter Neighbors.

Spuds vs. Sunfish. Who has the best fish and chips?

The Seattle P&I reports that their readers recommend Sunfish for some of the best fish & chips around:

"Far and away the best fish ‘n’ chips in the city is Sunfish Seafood (2800 Alki Ave. S.W., Seattle). Once we found this place, we stopped our quest for the best." Jeff Ellis, Seattle

Personally, I agree.   Although when our family is at Sunfish, I typically order the seafood skewers which have halibut, prawns and veggies grilled perfectly over a basket of nummy fries.

During the Alki Hot Rod Show was the last time I was at Sunfish.   My husband and I ordered our skewers "to go" and sat in the grass overlooking the cars.   A participant, not from West Seattle, asked me "Wow, did you get that at Spuds?" and I told him "No.  I like Sunfish better".    He kind of scoffed at me like I didn’t know what I was talking about.    It has been a while since I’ve been to Spuds (years).   If I recall, it was a little too greasy for my taste…when I was a teen I probably would have loved it.   

What is your favorite fish & chip restaurant?

Sharrows…share how?


The official sharrows are showing up along Beach Drive with still no notice to the residents.   The only way to discover what the new paint or white-perma-whatever is along the road has been from either the West Seattle Blog or if you happened to attend the last Alki Community Council meeting.  No flyers…no nothing!   Or did the City of Seattle just miss our house? 

Let me begin by saying I have no issues with sharing the road with bicycles.  I ride a bike on the road to.   And, I would much rather see a bicyclist riding on the road instead of zooming down the sidewalks thru pedistrians.   

I’m just not sure what the sharrow is suppose to do?   Autos and bikes all ready share the road….we have been for years.    It’s not providing the bicyclist any more room or safety.   With most residents having to park on Beach Drive and people who are visiting the parks along our neighborhood having to do the same…there’s no additional room for designated bike lanes along our narrow pot-holed road.    How much did the City spend on sharrows instead of fixing Beach Drive so the people in cars (old and young…I’ve seen ya)  can speed faster on it?

If anything the sharrows will just help residents along Beach Drive with parking…the handy white lines will keep us closer to the curb and less in the street.   No real benefit for bikes IMHO.

What do you think?   

UpdateHere’s a link to an article just published from the Seattle PI stating "some wonder if they’re more than just goodwill gestures to cyclists. After all, critics say, what does it really change?"

Sharrows on Beach Drive

Thanks again to West Seattle Blog.   They just posted information about the "sharrows" along Beach Drive, which BDB addressed last week.   If you attend the Alki Community Council meetings, then this is old news for you.    If not, click this link to get the scoop from WSB.

  • Sharrows are designed to let drivers know bicyclist are on the road, too (duh).
  • There will be times when we will not be allowed to park on Beach Drive while the City implements the Sharrow Lanes.   We are suppose to have a 72 hour notice before they restrict our parking.

I’m sorry…a bit of a rant here, you would think our fine City officials would get the word out to those of us who were not present at the ACC meeting last Thursday.   

Maybe the sharrows will get the adult bicyclist off the sidewalks and onto the roads, um, I mean sharrow….

My Personal Beef with Bicyclist on Sidewalks

I know it’s legal for people to ride their bikes on the sidewalk…but some don’t seem to keep in mind that pedestrians use them too.   And I believe pedestrians have the right of way.   

I’m writing this because earlier today, I was taking my pug for a walk when I was nearly hit by a man on his bike.    Our driveway, like many on Beach Drive is a bit hidden.   I was just an inch from approaching the sidewalk when the man on the bike whizzed by a few inches from my driveway letting out a yelp of surprise.    Shouldn’t sidewalk bicycle-ers ride closer to the road?   What if I was in my car pulling out instead of on foot?   

Seattle bicyclist ask for "three feet" from vehicles…shouldn’t a pedestrian receive the same from a driver of a bike?   Or better yet, stick to the streets and leave the sidewalks for…walking (or little kids on bikes).

BTW…I own a bike…I don’t use it as often as I should but when I do, I’m on the road. 

Just my two cents or wheels…what are your thoughts?

Update:  Here is the City of Seattle’s code:

Section 11.44.120 RIDING ON A SIDEWALK OR PUBLIC PATH.  Every person operating a bicycle upon any sidewalk or public path shall operate the same in a careful and prudent manner and a rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and proper under the conditions existing at the point of operation, taking into account the amount and character of pedestrian traffic, grade and width of sidewalk or public path, and condition of surface, and shall obey all traffic control devices.  Every person operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk or public path shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian thereon, and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing any pedestrian.

Note:  the bicyclist who almost whiped me out gave an "audible" yelp…but it was only after our near miss.

And the Grande Goes to…

Weather and schedules permitting, my neighbor and I get up in the wee hours for a Img_4956morning walk to a coffee shop.  Only two on Alki are open that early on our route and they happen to be "major chains".  After a mile of bravely walking along Beach Drive to Alki past the speeding morning dare devil drivers who’s only concern is for punching the clock and little towards your safety, we feel pretty proud and perky (could it just be the frigid temperatures?) by the time we reach our half way point and reward for our journey.  Here’s how our walking adventure began last summer….

Day 1.  On the first morning, we witnessed on such speeding morning driver wipe out someone’s cat on Alki in front of "Big Brand Coffee".    They didn’t even slow down or stop.    My neighbor, who’s alias on BDB is Cat Woman, and I were mortified as she tried to save the poor pet.   There was nothing we could do.   We went inside and notified who appeared to be the manager and who honestly did not seem to care.  A police officer went outside to put the body in a plastic bag and left it by the telephone pole in front of the coffee shop.   Cat Woman and I assumed that animal control had been called since the Police Officer informed the manager the animal was in front of their establishment.

Day 2.   In front of Emma Schmitz View Point, we see a dead otter in the street.  Dare Devil Driver strikes again.  This was nearly the end of our morning walks.    We reach our half way point prize of a hot latte disheartened to see the white body bag of the cat is still in front of the coffee shop.   We talk to the same stone faced manager and we ask if she’ll call Animal Control.  She nods and pushes our coffee to us.  We notice she warms right up to a few other clients who appear to be "regulars".    Grant it, we (at least I) are probably quite a sight in the morning with our fleece hats and layers of clothes…we’re certainly not dolled up as we’re dressed with only warmth in mind.   

Day 3.   The dead cat in the bag is still there.   Did I mention this is summer time and we were having 80 degree days?   Cat Woman and I are appalled.   We go into the coffee shop and address the manager again who claims she did call Animal Control.   She pushes our beverages towards us and warmly greats her next client.    We’re in disbelief.   That day I call Animal Control and guess what,  no report was ever filed.  In fact, you cannot file a report over the phone, it must be done on the web.   Good news though…on our third day of walking, we did not witness any road kill. 

Day 4.   We decide we’ve had enough coffee served with the cup of attitude and walked a whole block and a half further to Tully’s on Alki.    I don’t know what they’re serving in the employee cooler but everyone there is happy!   They have welcomed us in the morning with warm smiles just about every day.   

We have never turned back.   Tully’s is our preferred double tall vendor.    In fact, I purchase gift cards to send to my clients when they celebrate birthdays and I now go there to buy them instead of "big brand coffee".     We figure at $7.00 a day (I’ll estimate 4 days a week since we don’t do weekends and weather might cause us to retreat); our business is worth approx. $1400 a year (not factoring in the gift cards I buy, which add up to another $500 easy).    A little shot of attitude (good or bad) adds up!

We tip our cups to Tully’s for outstanding service with a smile…word is they’re going public.    Cheers!

Side note:  I’m sure there are many pleasant wonderful people who work for both major coffee chains.   This is just our experience from last summer.   I have added two categories:  reviews and opinions for Beach Drive Blog.