Just a few photos to provide an update this morning on the state of the trimaran which is tied up by the Harbor West Condos. A small debris field is next to the boat and it appears very little debris is in the park.
Update on the troubled trimaran
Scupper went back to check on the “Skipper” of the two sunken boats by Harbor West Condos off Beach Drive and took these photos along with an update (probably our last…for tonight at least) of this situation.
A West Seattle neighbor and his friends from Port Angeles decided to help the Skipper with clean up this evening and to try to salvage what ever can be of the Skippers belongings.
It’s our understanding that the Harbor West Condos hired a company to have the boats property tied off to protect the condo owners and the building. The mast is now safely down.
The Skipper is not certain when the salvage company will be out to remove the remains of the boats.
Sunken Trimaran Updates
EDITORS NOTE: We will be updating this post throughout today. Scroll to the bottom for the most recent information. Our earlier coverage can be found here and begins here.
Scupper visited the sunken trimaran this morning.
Scupper reports that the trimaran and the power boat used to tow the trimaran from Shilshoe Marina, have both sunk.
A police man is on the scene and is talking to the “Skipper” about involving the Coast Guard. The Skipper insists that the CG is aware of the situation. West Seattle Blog reports that the Coast Gaurd has referred the Skipper to a towing company which would cost money the Skipper does not have.
We are currently at high tide: 11.24 ft at 8:40 am this morning. Low tide is 1.86 at 3:30 this afternoon.
Mother Nature is no longer cooperating. We have a small craft advisory in effect with south wind waves of 2 to 4 feet.
UPDATE 9:30 AM. Someone from the City of Seattle is on the scene to assess and manage the fuel spill from the sunken boats.
UPDATE 9:55 AM. Here is a photo of the “patch” that the Skipper says blew out from waves crashing through the exposed hatches on top of the pontoons.
UPDATE 10:17 AM: Here is West Seattle Herald’s coverage of the sunken boats by Harbor West Condos.
UPDATE: 11:20 AM: West Seattle Blog reports the a salvage vessel is getting ready to tow the boat. We wonder if they’re going to take the smaller boat that appears to be leaking fuel. It’s hard to imagine the trimaran being towed in it’s condition.
UPDATE 11:40 AM: Scupper is back on the scene and sending these photos back to BDB HQ of the sunken boats off Beach Drive. Scupper states he does not currently see any tow or salvage type boats on site to help remove the trimaran or power boat. According to Michelle, who has been kindly helping the Skipper, the salvage boats refused to take the boats as the ground team had already drained the fuel off the boat.
A crew is on site on remove the fuel from the power boat.
Scupper says the sound of the pontoon separating from the trimaran was incredible.
Here’s a view from the pilings under Harbor West Condominiums off Beach Drive.
UPDATE 1:39 PM – a few more photos compliments of “Scupper” of the sunken boats off Beach Drive.
The Tri is “high and dry”
Last night we reported on the sail boat (technically a tri-moran) that was taking on water off the shores of Emma Schmitz View Point. At the time, the captain was certain everything was under control.
It appears the very same boat, sofa and all, sunk off in the Puget Sound waters by Harbor Crest Condos.

View from Harbor West Condos
Even the smaller boat that was appearing to assist the tri last night is beached.
Updated 2/14/13 7:00PM
Scupper here, spoke to the skipper about what happened during last night’s tow from Emma Schmitz View Point as well as his future plans to “right the ship”. He explained that he made it to about Fauntleroy when his battery died on his run-about tug due to leaving the running lights on while beached. By the time he changed batteries out, the current pushed him back to the condo’s.
Skip is hoping to make some fiberglass repairs over the next couple of days (at low tide) and then move on towards his Tacoma birth.

Cracks in fiberglass needing repair. Also newer cracks in pontoons from last beaching.
We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the weather stays as calm as forecasted through Friday. Saturday is posed to be blowing 15 to 25 knots from the SW with waves building from 2 to 4 feet. It could be treacherous to both life and craft if he gets delayed & sets off on Saturday.
Update 2/15/13 8:00AM (High tide)
Appears that the skip has everything tied off and under control.

Tied off to the bulkhead

Starboard pontoon/barcalounger underwater
Update 2/15/13 3:00PM (Low tide)
Skipper making repairs with plywood/screws and duct tape in effort to float the boat on high tide tomorrow morning
Sailboat taking on water near Mee-Kwa-Mooks Park
An older model tri-moran has nearly beached itself for repairs off off Beach Drive…
The captain mentioned that it is NOT an emergency and was hoping to score an extra bilge pump to rid the water. He later explained that the leak was from the area of the auxiliary motor well and will probably need to beach the boat on a sandy bar for patching the leak. He went on to say “good thing for the extra two pontoons!”.
At least the weather is calm (for now) and it’s not pouring on his furniture! Tip of the hat to our good neighbor Michelle for the heads up.
Scupper reporting for beach Drive Blog
UPDATE 2/14/2013: West Seattle Blog reports the boat sank by Harbor West Condos.
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