Tired of Seattle’s Zoning?

Yesterday this comment was left on Beach Drive’s post about how to leave a comment.  In the absence of having a true "forum" I suppose that’s the best place to do this (until I figure something else out).   Anyhow, Tom’s comment about our zoning (or lack thereof) has been sticking in my mind.    I also feel strongly about what is being allowed to happen to our neighborhoods and thought I should create a post about this comment instead of allowing it to be "buried" as a comment.   From Tom:

As a builder in WS I am so tired to see the zoning that is allowed in some of our neighborhoods. The city is to blame for this, our great mayor and team of DPD specialists that do not make the requirements tougher. What about design review, steel buildings being built in WS? What is up with that? Zoning and an architectural review board needs to be established or we will all be victims of this crisis. Building nice looking and well laid out units can be done, the only problem with other builders are $$$ and can they buy the big yacht.

In my opinion, you can truly tell the builders who have pride in their work and who perhaps live in the area apart from those who are trying to cram as many units they can onto a small lot for the sole purpose of $$$.   Okay…I’ve said my part. 

What do you think?

PS:  Another local blog I’ve enjoyed reading, which addresses smarter land use decisions in Seattle, is Smarter Neighbors.


  1. I completely agree with you Tom. What ways can we start to take a more pro-active approach in these zoning issues as a community? And thanks Rhonda for the link to Smarter Neighbors! I definitely see myself following that.

  2. I’m not sure if the Alki Community Council can help or what their views are… I’m guilty of not attending a community meeting as of yet. West Seattle Blog also addresses this issue quite a bit: http://westseattleblog.com/blog/?cat=6

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