A Huge Thanks to Everyone Who Help Find Orson

Dsc_0119 A huge thank you to the couple who found my old pug, Orson, last night.   I had thought I had our house locked up when I went next door to the neighbors to watch last nights sunset while our two fools husbands were boating.   

When I returned home, Orson was no where to be found.   I began to walk up and down Beach Drive calling for my dog with no luck…my neighbor (aka Beach Drive Babbler) had a couple in a car drive by ask what the commotion about.   The Babbler asked them to keep a look out for an old pug wander the streets.    By now I’m pretty upset because Orson has more heart than brains and very poor vision with his one "good eye".  While I was searching for him I saw raccoon a running down Jacobson–Dsc_0109bigger and meaner than my dog…definitely more "street savvy".  I’m panicked.

Just as I began to fall apart, the car pulls up and out jumps a very excited Orson.  Apparently he had made it all the way to La Rustica (it figures he’d search out food).   I’m so sorry that I don’t remember the nice couple’s names–I was pretty emotional.    

Orson now thinks he’s a "super dog" or at least a puppy again after his late night adventure.    He’s barking and growling (feeling tough) more than usual and keeps looking at me like he should have constant treats.   

A big heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped find my old friend, Orson.

Chihuahua heading towards SW Dawson

I just returned home from grocery shopping and received this email from Delores:

"I was walking my dog on 50th and Jacobson/Hudson, and heading south on 50th when I saw a sandy colored Chihuahua heading to Jacobson/Hudson. It is an older, male Chihuahua, sandy colored, with white fur on head. It never let me get close to him to check his tags. He has a blue collar and I tried to get him but he kept running away. Last seen heading east on SW Dawson Street. I tried to get a look at his tags to call the owner, and other folks tried to get him, including a really nice Comcast employee, but to no avail.

I am worried for this little guy. He appears to be an older dog, and was clearly distressed.

I didn’t have a camera so I couldn’t take a picture.

Can you please post this anyway?"

Thanks to the neighbor for sending me the email.  Hopefully we can connect the owner and pet.  I did forward this to West Seattle Blog as well (they have a page set up just for missing/found pets).

Buffy the Coyote Slayer


My neighbors and I call this the "Buffy the Coyote Slayer" picture. It was taken with a motion-detection video camera on April 18, 2008. The coyote is reportedly part of a family of four (two adults and two pups) who make Lincoln Park their home, according to Animal Control employees.

There have been many reports of sightings, including daylight sightings.

This one occurred at 10:30 p.m. Yes, is the cat’s real name.

We have many feral or outdoor cats in our area just north of Lincoln Park. It appears the coyote was scavenging for food that may have been left-over from the outdoor cats being fed outdoors, AND NOT attempting to capture any outdoor pets, although they are apparently known for that. The video revealed a submissive posture from the coyote to the cat, but when a second coyote showed up, Buffy took off. I chased them off. Generally, a single coyote won’t go after a cat, but they will team up on cats, so Buffy had the right intuition.

There is a Northwest Coyote tracking website which I reported two sightings to. It is an interesting site, but does not seem to be maintained since mid-2007.  The Seattle Times has a 2007 article on coyotes here.

It’s a jungle out there!

Thanks to Ron Sterling for this contribution!

Missing Pet–Have You Seen Daisy?


Daisy’s poster must be on every pole in West Seattle.   If you’ve found or seen this missing Boston Terrier, please contact the owners at 935-1865.  There is a reward.

To the Owner of the Brown Dog

I am thankful your pup had a phone number that I could call to find you this morning.  Dsc_0001_3

I don’t know what we would have done since I had an appointment I was getting ready for this morning (sorry I didn’t have time to chat).   

Our pug really enjoyed your pup and our cats were properly freaked out.  🙂   It was a very fun way to start our Friday (seriously). 

It all worked out well.  Score another one for BDB helping to connect humans back to their pets.

Just a reminder, if you’re missing or found a pet, please send a photo with your contact info.  We’re happy to post it here.

Local Author in Seattle Metropolitan Magazine


Our very own Suky Hutton has a terrific article in the January 2008 issue of Seattle Metropolitan Magazine about the mysterious white rooster who was also featured on Beach Drive Blog.

It’s a very enjoyable read and I highly recommend you pick your copy today and check out the SeaTown Diary section with Suky’s article and learn more about Coner the white rooster of Mee Kwa Mooks Park.

Hat tip to Larry for giving me a heads up about our Beach Drive Neighbor.

Merry Christmas from Beach Drive Blog and Orson


A Good Reason for Pet Tags: Gretta

On our way to check out the mudslide, we saw this dog who seemed a bit lost (and very wet).   Thankfully, Gretta had a name tag on with phone numbers and her address so we were able to return her where she belongs.    Her humans were glad to know she was out and made arrangements to for someone to meet her and get her inside her home.


Lost Pug


Jacobsen and 49TH.   Posted live via my Treo.

Sorry that it’s a bit hard to read…I’ll try to doctor this up.   I know this is a little away from Beach Drive, however it’s a lost pug and I have an old pug of my own.   This sign is on top of Jacobsen, the phone number (I believe) is 206-358-8907 (or 353-8907)

Missing Cat: Have You Seen Tigger?


Please call Dan and Kirsten at 206-779-8419.  I called to confirm that Tigger is still missing after noticing this sign along Beach Drive. 

Missing Pet Resources