Lost Cats: Have you seen the LaRustica kitties?

Has anyone seen our La Rustica cats? Both of our cats have gone missing. Meecho, our fluffy white and grey cat, was last seen on New Years Eve. Tiramisu, our striped cat, was last seen on Tuesday, Feb 25th. I’ve posted multiple times on Next Door looking for Meecho with no luck, but now our other kitty is missing.

Before anyone starts judging, just know that we love our cats, but they love to go outside and always find a way to sneak out even if we try to keep them in. They live above the restaurant and when people come in or out of the upstairs, they dart between your legs. They are animals and love to be with us, but also don’t want to use the litterbox if they can just go outside.

Both cats had airtag collars but the collars are the breakaway types, and may have come off. Both cats are microchipped and spayed/neutered.

If you have seen them, please let us know. We really miss our kitties

Missing Cat: Have you seen Mary Sue?

Mary Sue was last seen off of Beach Drive. She’s shy. Please keep an eye out – her human is missing her!


LOST CAT: Have you seen Malcolm?

Greetings Neighbors,

Our sweet Malcolm has been missing since snowy Saturday, Dec 3 from the 5600 block of Beach Drive. He is a prolific hunter and likely trapped and starving somewhere. Please check basements, garages, crawl spaces and sheds. He is 5-yrs-old, neutered and microchipped. Affectionate but can be skittish. Good at hiding, especially on high shelves.

Found or sighted, please text/call Phyllis 425.591.4019

UPDATE: FOUND! Missing Cat: Have you seen Poncho?

Poncho was found near Emma Schmitz park and has been reunited with his humans.

Lost Cat – Poncho- Beach Dr./Charlestown St area.
Please call if you have seen him. Indoor/outdoor cat but comes back every day and night. Microchipped. Collar may have fallen off. We miss him. Last seen 12/4 9am. (520)331-3386 day or night. Please call.

[UPDATE: FOUND!!] LOST CAT: Have you seen Meow-Meow?

UPDATE: Meow-Meow is back home with her humans.
Meow-Meow, aka Meowmies, is a standard tabby, overweight, who has been missing from her home near the lighthouse since yesterday. If you see her, please call Richard at 206-660-0512.

UPDATE: FOUND!!! Missing Cat: Have you seen Quentin?

Great news! Quentin is back home.
Quentin has been missing from his home on Beach Drive since yesterday afternoon (8/23/21).  He is an orange tabby, sleek and muscular. He does not have a collar but he is chipped.


Missing Dock

This just in from a Beach Drive neighbor:

During the big windstorm two nights ago a neighborhood floating sea life dock broke loose and floated away. My husband has walked up and down Beach Drive looking for it, to no avail.

It’s approximately 8×8 and has the letters “ADM C” on it.

Please comment if you have seen this and we’ll connect you with the owners.

Thanks, Neighbors!

UPDATE: FOUND! Missing Body Glove Paddle Board

UPDATE: Board found by neighbor, Bob! Thank you!!

Sometime today a blue and white inflatable paddleboard Body Glove paddle board drifted from it’s Beach Drive home. The paddleboard had an paddle (oar) at the time of it’s departure.

The neighbors are hoping are really hoping to find it. If you’ve seen it, please let us know!

FOUND! Missing Cat: Have You Seen Casey?

UPDATE: Casey is back home with his human. 🙂

Casey is a 6 year old male Bengal cat that has been missing since Saturday from his Beach Drive home. He is neutered and micro-chipped. Please call 206-937-8009 if you’ve seen Casey. His humans miss him terribly.


UPDATE: FOUND! LOST DOG: Have you seen Hilo?

UPDATE: Hilo has been reunited with her family!!!  According to her facebook page, she was found near Lincoln Park. All tails are wagging at our home that this is a happy ending.

Hilo has been seen in the Seaview neighborhood and on Beach Drive.

This message is from her owners:

She is a 9.5 year old lab mix. 42 pounds – thin build. Black coat with white chest and back paws. Grey muzzle. Orange flower collar. Chipped and tagged. Spayed. Lots of dental work. Very shy, will not approach humans.

Please tell people, if they spot her to call us immediately at 814-441-8271. If possible, calmly try to keep her in view. Don’t approach. Don’t call her name. Don’t make eye contact. Crouch low and if you have treats drop some on the ground. She might come to you, but if you pursue she’ll definitely run.

Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts.

We hope Hilo and her humans are reunited soon!