Join Beach Naturalist from Seattle Aquarium

Meet Beach Naturalist (they’ll be wearing red hats) from Seattle Aquarium at Constellation Park and Lincoln Park beaches:

  • Thursday, June 6th:  9:30 am -12:00 pm
  • Friday, June 7th: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
  • Saturday, June 8th:  10:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • Sunday, June 9th: 11:00 am – 1:30 pm


Happy 100th Birthday, Alki Light House!

Today’s celebration marking the 100th birthday of the Alki Light House began at the Log Museum at noon. The museum is featuring a new exhibit with items from the light house and has free cookies and coloring for the little ones.


The Alki Light House is set to open in a few minutes (1:00 pm) to start their celebration… stay tuned and be sure to check out Scupper’s photos taken from the Sound of the light house.

UPDATE 1:45 PM:  The Alki Light House is doing tours and, as standard procedure, they limit how many people may enter at a time.

Alki Light House

While you wait for turn to celebrate on the Alki Light House grounds, they have quizzes available or you can learn how to tie various knots.


FREE STUFF at 4700 Beach Drive

Calling all Pickers: there’s some FREE  stuff on the sidewalk on west side of the 4700 block of Beach Drive.


At the time of this photo, we spied a mini fridge, skate board and a small folding anchor.

If you have a garage sale, free stuff along Beach Drive, we’re happy to post it.

Very Low and High Tides

We are experiencing some of the lowest tides of the year this Memorial Day weekend.

Today, Sunday, May 26:

  • -3.6 at 12:23 pm
  • 12.25 at 7:40 pm

Memorial Day, Monday, May 27:

  • 6.41 at 1:09 am
  • 11.06 at 6:09 am
  • -3.4 at 1:11 pm
  • 12.36 at 8:29 pm

You can meet beach naturalist from the Seattle Aquarium (they’ll be wearing red hats) at Constellation Park or Lincoln Park today and tomorrow from:

  • Sunday, May 26: 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
  • Monday, May 27: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Happy Memorial Day!

Did you have a Toyota Rav 4 damaged on Beach Drive Friday night?

UPDATE June 1, 2013:  Good news! The owenr of the RAV 4 has been located.

We received this message from a Beach Drive neighbor:

“Did you have a Toyota Rav 4 parked on the west side of Beach Drive in the 4100 block on Friday night, May 24?  We damaged that car.  The note we put on the car was removed early on Saturday morning.  We have filed an insurance claim and want to cover damages.  Please contact us through the Beach Drive Blog.”

Please send us an email or comment below if your the owner of the Rav R.  Thank you!

Welcome Home! USS John C. Stennis

What a beautiful day to see the USS John C. Stennis  navigate back home to Bremerton. Here are a few of the photos we captured.


Car Prowled yesterday

I received this email from on of our neighbors:

“ I live at 3800 block of Beach Drive and someone went through my car… they just looked through it and took a couple of things…”

Just a reminder to keep you doors locked and to call the police when something like this happens.

Another Beautiful Night

Beach Drive neighbor, Larry, sent us this photo saying it sums up our last few gorgeous sunny evenings.

Larry e1366935125907

Is it too soon for “deck season” to officially begin?

LOST CAT: Have you seen Isis?

 This just in from a Beach Drive neighbor on the 4700 block:

I came home tonight to discover that one of our cats had gotten out while we were away. She is a small grey cat, missing one eye. She is not wearing a collar, as she’s an indoor cat. She’s pretty skittish, and doesn’t like to be held, but will come to my voice.

We are fostering her and do not know if she is micro-chipped.

If you see Isis, please call 206-601-0113.


Have You Seen a Missing Buoy

This email came in last night from a Beach Drive neighbor:

My neighbor’s large round mooring buoy broke loose last week. It’s white with black numbers. It floated away from the 5400 block of Beach Drive. She’s asking anyone sighting it to please call 206-734-5992.