Today, the fine folks at Earthcorps were out at Mee Kwa Mooks Park.
Earthcorps at Mee Kwa Mooks
Rock Stacks at Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook
Shhhh…It’s a Surprise
At 7pm tonight, a gentleman will be ariving with his signficant other at this site at Mee Kwa Mooks.
I had to grin when the Chef told me the name of his company: Rain City Catering…it shares the same name as on of the blogs I’m an author at. Unfortunately, I’m not able to find info on this catering…if anyone has info, please comment and let me know.
REI Work Crew at Emma Schmidts
Another Accident on Beach Drive
Earlier a neighbor reported how their car was smashed along Beach Drive with no note or contact from the "guilty party". Just this morning, on my way home from the grocery store I was stunned to see someone drove through Emma Schmitz Memorial View Point. Smashing a park bench, taking out a bus stop sign and ripping apart bushes along the street. A resident said she heard it happen last night but did not see the car.
It’s amazing the vehicle was able to drive away and must have significant damage.
A gentleman who works for the parks department just happened to drive by and stood the bus sign up. There is glass all over the road from the damaged vehicle. Both the Seattle Parks Department and Police Department have been notified.
Update: WSB reports in the comments below that there was a 911 "aid" call at 4:02 am. Unsure if someone actually hit and ran–sounds like someone might have been rescued.
Sewer Pipeline Inspection
Alki Play Field Work PARTY
Friday April 4, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Let’s make Alki Play field a better
place to play. Join the Alki Community Center Clean Team.We will
sweep, paint, trim, and pick up garbage.Call for more info: 684-7430.
Alki Community Center
5817 SW Stevens St.
Weather Watch Park
Weather Watch Park is located across the street from LaRustic Restaurant at 4035 Beach Drive SW.
The artwork was contributed by Lezlie Jane who also helped with many other "street ends" parks along Beach Drive. In addition to the art, the park has a nice beach area loaded with drift wood that’s great to sit on or just admire and nice beach.
Note: I thought I published this post last year and just realized it’s been sitting as a "draft". Thanks to Lezlie Jane and her work crew earlier this week, I made this discovery.
Clean Up at Weather Watch Park
A group of volunteers are just finishing up cleaning and much needed weeding at Weather Watch Park along Beach Drive. One volunteer is no other than Lezlie Jane, the artist who contributed a great deal to many of our West Seattle Parks, including Weather Watch Park.
Lezlie and I have exchanged contact info so that she can contact us the next time they plan a work party so more can join in on the fun.
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