Tsunami Advisory for Washington Coastlines

The earthquake in Chile has triggered a Tsunami advisory along the Pacific coastline, including Washington and up to Alaska.  


From the Examiner.com:

Tsunami Advisory is in effect for the Washington coast  and the Puget Sound….. A tsunami advisory mean that strong waves or currents dangerous to people in or very near the water is immient or expected.  Significant flooding from waves are not expected…however stay out of the water until the danger has passed!

I'm watching King5 as I write this post… they estimate that we may see some waves between 2:00 – 4:00 pm today.  

Today's high tide for this area is an 11.2 at 3:15 pm.

Seattle PI Article: Tsunami would be disaster for Seattle (from 2005 with interesting map showing riskier areas, including West Seattle).

Happy New Year from Beach Drive Blog


Celebrate New Years on the Beach…just off Beach Drive

Hat Tip to West Seattle Blog…you can get a guided tour during the low tide under a rare Blue Moon at Mee Kwa Mooks Park on New Years Eve.

You must register today (only 4 spots left as of this posting)

Ages: 6 Yrs. to 111 Yrs.

– Adult Fee $8.00
– Child Fee $6.00

Help bring in the New Year with nudibranchs, seastars and sea squirts! Gather your friends and family and share in the fun of exploring the fascinating world of intertidal life! After exploring, we'll provide the toast for the new year! Please wear very warm clothing and waterproof footwear. Also bring a flashlight if you have one or we will provide one for you. All ages welcome but must be able to walk on slippery seaweed! Please register one day before beach walk

Spots Available: 4

Registration Begins:  12-08-09 12:00pm

Member Registration Date: 

Non-Resident Registration Date: 

In-Person Registration End Date:  12-30-09

Kite Boarding at Lowman Beach

Right now at Lowman Beach, the Puget Sound Kiteboarders are taking advantage of the gusty winds on Puget Sound.   I understand from one of the participants that this was originally going to take place at Richmond Beach, however the winds were better here.





You can see more of my photos of the kite boarding in Puget Sound here.


Update:  I just uploaded some videos from this morning.


Barge at 4100 Beach Drive

Earlier this week, on Monday I believe, a barge parked for a while across from MeeKwaMooks before it moved to the 4100 section of Beach Drive.  Apparently it was working on the bulkhead by the condo's.   It was quite a sight.



You can see more photos of this Beach Drive bulkhead here.

Morning Moon


Catch the Evening Light Show in Puget Sound

Last night we had fun watching the bioluminesce as our neighbor paddled around in his canoe (we're easily entertained).   Several times we spied fish going after the plankton as well producing quick darts of glowing light.

Tonight should be another good night to catch the show. 

Keep an Eye Out for “Clam Diggers” on the Beach

West Seattle Blog reports that digging up 100+ clams on the beaches along Beach Drive.   Not only is this unhealthy, it's illegal and needs to be reported to the proper authorites.  Be on the lookout for a copper/gold Suburban-type SUV with plate starting with 861, blue and white cooler.

Update 8:30 pm: catch the rest of the story at West Seattle Blog.

This is from a concerned BDB Reader who contacted officials while dealing with a moon-shell harverster (who has been seen as recent as this week back on the beach poaching shells).

Emma Schmitz Park is a City of Seattle designated Marine Reserve, AND a Washington State Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) designated Marine Preserve. City rules ask that people not remove anything from the beach.  WDFW Marine Preserve designation make removing anything from the beach a misdemeanor.  This encompasses the area from high tide to minus 4.5 (extreme low water).
I have the new 2009 Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Fishing in Washington guide, which contains all the sport fishing and harvesting rules.  We are in Marine Area 10, found on p.114. This states there is no harvesting at Marine Preserves. You can get these at no cost from most sporting goods stores.
You can also find this information on line, but it's confusing navigating through all the WDFW options.  I've attached the page in the Fishing Regulations from the website.  Scroll through the attachment to find Marine Area 10.
You can call State Patrol for violations in progress, and you may also call the WDFW Bellevue office.  Please let me know if you would like me to get the phone numbers for you.
Thank you for your concern for our beautiful parks and the animals that live in Puget Sound.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Please come out and visit with Beach Naturalists in the area on low tide summer weekends, if you can.  I'm attaching a flyer.  Beach Naturalists do a lot of educating about why we don't take any materials except trash from our beaches.
Janice Mathisen
Seattle Aquarium
206 386-4365

Harvest violations?

State Patrol  (for violation in progress) for Richmond Beach and Seahurst Park call (206)464-6610.  Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife: Individuals that witness and would like to report a violation, can call toll-free 1-877-933-9847, or 1-800-477-6224 for wild animal encounters.

The Seafair Fleet

I don't recall ever seeing this much military so close to home in Puget Sound….'tis the season for Seafair!  It was amazing to watch the ships position for their grand entrance to Elliott Bay for Fleet Week.

Below is USCG Bertholf with USS Shoup following in the background.



Above are USS Shoup (on the left) and USS Momsen (right).



Above is the USS Momsen.  Below is Canada's HMCS Brandon.


The USS Momsen corners Alki Point to Elliott Bay…imagine the view for those homes!


Last but not least, from the Canadian Navy, HMCS Nanaimo.


Otters in the early hours
