West Seattle Blog reports a mountain bike was found at the corner of Beach Drive and Oregon. For more information, click here.
Missing Cat: Have You Seen Tigger?
Please call Dan and Kirsten at 206-779-8419. I called to confirm that Tigger is still missing after noticing this sign along Beach Drive.
Found Dog — Are You Missing a Husky?
Update: Good news! The Husky’s owner has been found.
Just off of Beach Drive on Snoqualimie Street, a lost Husky is being cared for. If you’re missing this pet, please contact Suky.
Here is a list of resources (you can also find this link on the left side of BDB) if you have a found or missing pet.
Beach Drive Blog is always happy to reunite pets and their families. Thanks to Suky for the heads up.
Found glasses & beach chair at Constellation Park
A Beach Drive Blog reader reports:
"…as I was walking my dog this morning I saw a brightly colored beach chair, folded, with a pair of prescription glasses hanging over its back, leaning on the railing above the beach at Constellation Park. The glasses were misted over; had been there awhile. The chair was across from a building with the number 3306 (just north of the sewage treatment plant). I know you post items about missing pets; don’t know if that’s true for missing eyewear!"
Lost Cat along 4000 block of Beach Drive
I just took a picture of this sign…unfortunatley, there is no name, phone number or email to contact the human of this lost cat I may have cropped off the phone number. If I have a chance, I’ll retake the photo…or if you contact me, I’ll try to contact the cat’s human. This picture was taken by LaRustica.
Lost Dog Alert: Please find Mattie
Lost Dog
The West Seattle Blog is reporting that someone found a lost "white golden lab" on Beach Drive yesterday. For more information, click here.
Missing Kitty. Have you seen Dingleberry?
Please help reunite this lost tabby cat with her home. She is missed very much. I just received an email late last night from her people asking for BDB readers to keep an eye out. Here is what the message says:
"I live in the greenbelt between Delridge and the South Community College. Our sweet grey tabby (with a white bib and mittens) went missing Sunday afternoon. She usually always comes when I call and we often garden outside together. She is petite, skittish of children and shy of strangers. Her name is Dingleberry. Can you post this lost message? She is my baby and I am at my wits end over her absence. If seen please contact me at 206.396.3815. I’ve attached a photo. Please help if you can. I’m offering a reward to anyone who finds her. She is micro-chipped but she has not been reported at the shelters as of yet."
If you find Dingleberry, please contact Becky at the number above and let us know so we can update this post. We hope Dingleberry is back home with her family soon.
Are you missing a boat?
Hopefully someone is missing this canoe and not a case of the canoe missing someone.
My husband is trying to rescue the boat. An update will be posted soon.
Update: The SPD and Coast Guard have been notified as of 7:40 a.m.
Update 5/19/2007: The boat has been reunited with it’s Captain…none other than Wookie’s family. All is good.
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