Beach Drive Blog’s 500th Post

I won’t announce every time we reach a certain post…but this is a significant milestone in the life of a blog.   Thanks again for everyone who reads, comments, lurks, sends photos and contributes to Beach Drive Blog by writing articles.

I’m always looking for Beach Drive neighbors who would like write about whatever is going on in your neighborhood along Beach Drive.  The more active writers we have, the richer the content will be…and hey, as much as I love doing this…I certainly can’t do it all!  (I do have a "real job" and a family to raise, too).

So I’m using this milestone as an opportunity to do a "shout out" the our neighbors–if you live in the neighborhood and would like to write for the blog–please let me know.

Here are some great examples of past posts from Beach Drive neighbors:

Chuckless Cheese by Steve

Community Yard Sale by Susan

Beach Drive’s Little Italy – LaRustica Restaurant by Natalie

There’s plenty to write about and we need you!  Writing a "post" for a blog is just as easy a sending a friend an email.  I promise! 


  1. Hi Rhonda: I sent you some St. Pat’s pics to share with neighbors…. Wish I could save you some time and just post them here, but can’t. Thought I would try to get through to you this way. Hope all is well. Happy St. Patrick’s day to all. Good fortune to all! Take care, Ron

  2. Hi Ron,
    Thanks for all of the photos you sent. Hope you don’t mind…I just grabbed one…my “day job” in the mortgage biz has me swamped these days with just trying to keep up with all the guideline changes. I had your photo scheduled to pop up in the morning…just not as early as were up checking out BDB. I noticed the photo is up now.

    Thanks again for your contributions!

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