4209 Beach Drive SW

The home once located at 4209 Beach Drive SW was owned by an actress, Nancy Kilgas. Nancy was in several films, including Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Oklahoma.

The home on Beach Drive has seemed abandoned since we’ve lived here (about 20 years). We used to walk by it and wonder about the stories the old home could have told once upon a time. I know I have more photos of it that I’ve taken…and when/if I find them, I’ll add them to this post.

It has recently been demolished and it appears there will be three homes (townhomes) put in it’s place.

With the recent changes to zoning in Washington state, you can expect more single-unit homes to be demolished for multi-unit homes.

Another Tear Down on Beach Drive

This 107 year old home located at 4022 Beach Drive Southwest will soon be demolished. Two duplexes are scheduled to be built on this lot across the street from Weather Watch Park.

Beach Drive Home to be Demolished

This home on the 4700 block of Beach Drive is set to be demolished early next week to make way for a new single unit dwelling.
We actually sold the home to the current owner knowing it would be torn down. The home has been added on over the years and has some issues that are beyond reasonable repair. While in our ownership, the home was a short-term rental that we named “Beach Drive Bungalow” that enjoyed hosting people from West Seattle to all over the world.

The home was originally built in 1926 and looks completely different from the home it is today. As the story goes, the home was built by a sea captain to live in while building the neighboring home to the north.
The home continued to be modified over the years.
We enjoyed the few years we were able to share the home as a vacation rental with others. If not for the Seattle City Council no longer allowing waterfront homes to be short term rentals (as a way to help affordable housing?) we would probably still have the home as a vacation rental. The home held family reunions, birthday celebrations and even a beautiful wedding ceremony at the bulkhead.

Thanks for the memories, Beach Drive Bungalow!

Tall ship riding the out going tide & the pic of the week

Caught up with the Hawaiian Chieftain square rigger on it’s way from Port Orchard to Kirkland where she’ll be fixing her canons on the Lady Washington! Carillon Point Marina will host the two traditional sailing vessels for mock battles and ship tours thru Sept 2nd.



And here is our pic of the week taken by Ron Sterling across the street from Lowman Beach. The controversial Murray CSO Control Facility is in full swing…


 Say goodbye to this 1926 duplex and the other long-standing houses along the strip.


Scupper, reporting for Beach Drive Blog 




Retaining wall construction underway along 6000 block of Beach Drive

The long awaited construction project is finally underway along one of the the most historically unstable sections of Beach Drive SW. This notorious slide area has been riddled with controversy before finally being approved for city permitting. Two 12 foot retaining walls with a drainage plan will most likely take several weeks to complete.


An on-looking neighbor commented that this plucked tree was “mainly responsible for holding up the hillside”

The good news is that this potholed and sloped section of Beach Drive will eventually get re-paved! Also appears that an owner located directly below the construction project now has the confidence to plan a new 8071 square foot home


Question is, will this modern answer to holding back the hillside actually stand the test of time? Here’s some historic photos to contend with…


Photo takenOctober 21st 1933 (courtesy of city of Seattle archived photos)


Atlas slide photo taken 1/24/1934 (courtesy of City of Seattle Archives)




Scupper, reporting for Beach Drive Blog


Beach Drive Tear Down Updates


Earlier this month we reported that 6321 Beach Drive SW was approved to be torn down…looks like that’s recently been accomplished (above photo).

Another tear down is (or is by) 5221 Beach Drive SW.


No before picture…and a tough time finding info with the City (could just be me being inept).

Another Beach Drive Tear Down

This property is located at 6321 Beach Drive SW and just received approval to be torn down.


Just a year ago in July, King County public records show that this home sold for 2.1 million and that last month, the City of Seattle required the current owners to record a covenant, acknowledgment of risk and indemnity agreement in a "potential land slide area".

Read the recorded document here:Download CovenantBD.pdf

Hat tip to West Seattle Blog.

Beach Drive Tear-Down to Townhome Update

4145 Beach Drive SW (pictured below) built in 1908, is applying to have it’s land use change to 1 single family and a two-unit townhome.   Here’s the Notice of Application.   WSB has covered this home as well and we did back in April 2007 when the first dreaded "yellow little sign" was noted in the front yard.


While we’re at it…. here’s the "progress" on two other properties that were recently torn down.

The former "Grandma House" that’s located at 3726 Beach Drive SW now looks like this:



Instead of this:


And this tricky little town home located at 3636 Beach Drive now features a drive-thru so you can access units stashed in the back (you can’t see it from this angle).  BDB first covered this property in October 2007, however it came down so quick, we missed the before picture. 


If my memory serves me, the "before" home was a small cottage that sat back on the lot. Perhaps too small making the land worth more than the home…and creating another "tear-down to townhome".   Here’s my only "before" photo:


I have no updates for the Brown House located at 4233 Beach Drive.   

More Beach Drive Teardowns & Shoreline Review

West Seattle Blog has posted two articles that impact our neighborhood. 

Review Set for Beach Drive teardowns-to-townhome/houses .  We documented this home back in April of last year "the yellow sign" first appeared in the front yard.

and What Do You See in the Future for West Seattle’s Shore?

Bulkheads, barges and saving homes from tear downs

A Beach Drive Blog reader asks:

…water is eroding the base of our bulkheads. Anyone know of a contractor that can check it out?

Another reader is looking for a barge service:

…that can bridge from the boat to my bulkhead, as it is on the sound and their is no dock.

Last tid bit is from a reader who offers to save homes from becoming a tear down, she…

might be able to save that little brown house from ending up in a land fill by moving it to a new location and sprucing it up.

Do you know of anyone who can help?