SW Precent Public Safety Newsletter AND Picnic

Here is the latest issue of the Public Safety Newsletter from our local police department: Download southwest_precinct_public_safetynewsletter_aug_9_2007.pdf

And…info on the picnic at the Southwest Precint this Saturday (August 18) from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.  Download SouthwestPicnicFlyer.pdf

September 13th at 6:30 p.m. we have a tenative Block Watch meeting set up for Beach Drive.  If you’re interested, contact me.   If you’re not in our area of Beach Drive, I’m happy to refer you to the appropriate SPD representative.

Sharrows…share how?


The official sharrows are showing up along Beach Drive with still no notice to the residents.   The only way to discover what the new paint or white-perma-whatever is along the road has been from either the West Seattle Blog or if you happened to attend the last Alki Community Council meeting.  No flyers…no nothing!   Or did the City of Seattle just miss our house? 

Let me begin by saying I have no issues with sharing the road with bicycles.  I ride a bike on the road to.   And, I would much rather see a bicyclist riding on the road instead of zooming down the sidewalks thru pedistrians.   

I’m just not sure what the sharrow is suppose to do?   Autos and bikes all ready share the road….we have been for years.    It’s not providing the bicyclist any more room or safety.   With most residents having to park on Beach Drive and people who are visiting the parks along our neighborhood having to do the same…there’s no additional room for designated bike lanes along our narrow pot-holed road.    How much did the City spend on sharrows instead of fixing Beach Drive so the people in cars (old and young…I’ve seen ya)  can speed faster on it?

If anything the sharrows will just help residents along Beach Drive with parking…the handy white lines will keep us closer to the curb and less in the street.   No real benefit for bikes IMHO.

What do you think?   

UpdateHere’s a link to an article just published from the Seattle PI stating "some wonder if they’re more than just goodwill gestures to cyclists. After all, critics say, what does it really change?"

Beach Drive’s Night Out

Even though the SPD stood us up at our gathering, I’m going to call our Night Out a great success.   I’m estimating we had at least 50 neighbors from around the Beach Drive Neighborhood.    Lots of great food, conversation along with old and new friends. 

Allison was wonderful by allowing us to bombard her nice lawn.    And Angeline neighbors were terrific by bringing over tents, tables and chairs.    I enjoyed meeting folks that the blog has helped by finding missing pets or boats!

The next step is creating a Block Watch since there is obviously a lot interest in it.    I’m hoping that we can coordinate between other Block Watch groups within our area (Alki – Beach Drive – Fauntleroy).

This is such a great community!

One BIG Reason to Have a Block Watch

This video was shot at Alki last night (I believe).  A group of people get into a brawl and then take off (looks like they headed towards the Beach Drive neighborhood (west of Alki).   

This is the time of year when we get an increased volume cruisers in "our hood".

The video is disturbing and you don’t need to watch it.   It concerns me that the folks who filmed this waited 5 minutes into filming before calling the police.   You have to wonder where their priorities are:  good YouTube video-content or protecting your neighborhood?   

I hope Seattle Night Out 2007 is a huge success tonight and that we have a lot of blocks participating. 

Hat Tip to West Seattle Blog.

Seattle Night Out is Tonight

If your neighborhood is not celebrating a "night out", please turn your porch light on to show your support for Seattle Night Out against crime.

Clarification on the Block Party

I’m hoping to avoid possible confusion regarding the Seattle Night Out 2007 event taking place on August 7.   I know I’m posting information about our neighborhood’s block party event, it is intended to be for "Block Watch" purposes and to get to know immediate neighbors better.   It is not a "block party" where everyone from West Seattle drops by.   This is coordinated with the Seattle Police Department and the Fire Departments in effort to curb crime by getting to know your immediate neighbor better. 

If you’re block/area of Beach Drive is having a block watch event to celebrate Seattle Night Out 2007, I’m happy to post it.

You can also check with the Seattle Police Department to see if your block is has any events planned or if you would like to coordinate one.

Sharrows on Beach Drive

Thanks again to West Seattle Blog.   They just posted information about the "sharrows" along Beach Drive, which BDB addressed last week.   If you attend the Alki Community Council meetings, then this is old news for you.    If not, click this link to get the scoop from WSB.

  • Sharrows are designed to let drivers know bicyclist are on the road, too (duh).
  • There will be times when we will not be allowed to park on Beach Drive while the City implements the Sharrow Lanes.   We are suppose to have a 72 hour notice before they restrict our parking.

I’m sorry…a bit of a rant here, you would think our fine City officials would get the word out to those of us who were not present at the ACC meeting last Thursday.   

Maybe the sharrows will get the adult bicyclist off the sidewalks and onto the roads, um, I mean sharrow….

Who’s In for a Night Out?

Nightoutlogo August 7 is America’s Night Out Against Crime.   I think it would be great if we could coordinate and have a block party to get to know our neighbors better, promote safety and crime prevention.   

If we are going to have our neighborhood formally participate, we need to let the Seattle Police Department know prior to July 27, 2007.

If you have any ideas on how we can make this a fun event, or if you’re willing to assist in the planning, please let me know.

Also, if you’re planning a Night Out for your block, please give me a shout so I can post it.   Thanks Neighbor! 

Sidewalk Responsibilities

I just read this article in the Seattle Times about how starting this month, the sidewalks in front of a property is the home owner’s responsibility for maintaining.

"Lots of people are surprised they are responsible, and then there is the reality of how to pay for sidewalk repair when you are strapped with all kinds of other maintenance needs," said Liz Ellis, with the Seattle Department of Transportation Sidewalk Safety Repair Program….

"Generally the city has an easement, but the property itself belongs to the homeowner," said Gregg Hirakawa, spokesman for Seattle’s Department of Transportation.

The easement’s there so the public can traverse what’s actually private property."

Did anyone go to the WS Emergency Preparedness event?

If you attended the Emergency Preparedness Event yesterday at West Seattle High School…would you mind sharing some of the information with your neighbors at Beach Drive Blog? 

You can either send me an email with the details and I can post it for you…or, if  you’re a Beach Drive neighbor and want to post the information on your own, let me know and I’ll add you as an author to BDB

This would be excellent information to post on this blog so many people can have access to it.