Lights have been installed to help improve safety at Emma Schmitz/Me Kwa Mooks Park. This will help illuminate the lower park along the water which has very little visibility from the street. The lights have been added to existing light poles.
This is the area where Greggette Guy may have been murdered earlier this year.
Many Beach Drive neighbors and others who typically walk this area are familiar with seeing grafiti and other crimes take place in this section of the park.
Let's hope shedding some light in this secluded area helps to make this park a safer place for all.
The addition of lights to this area of Beach Drive is one of the recommendations from the community safety walk that took place at the beginning of this month. Hat tip to Tazi's human for sharing this tip with us.
This is great news! I hope the family of Mrs Guy can take some solace that safety improvements are actually taking place at the park. I’ll be heading along the park tonight to see how effective the three lights are. We should be expecting some additional signage near the top of both stair cases soon according to the email statement made by Seattle Police representative Mark Solomon…
“Improve the signage at the Schmitz Overlook – there is one Parks Dept. sign with hours posted on the south side of the area; I’d like to see one at the north area and one in the middle by that center stairwell. I’ll follow up with my contact at parks about that.”