Police and Neighbors walk Beach Drive Parks in an effort to improve safety

If not for our youngest son graduating from Kennedy High School last night, we would have joined our neighbors on the Beach Drive Community Walk.  Thanks to West Seattle Blog and West Seattle Herald for covering this.  And a huge thanks to the neighbors who were able to participate in the safety walk and have shared their views about last night's walk.


It's interesting to me that the representative from the Seattle Parks Department expressed concern about maintaining privacy in a public park.   

Did you participate in last night's walk?  We'd love to have your input on how you thought it went.

Hopefully this will be an event that will cause more action to be taken by the City to improve the safety of these parks.

Mark Solomon with the Seattle Police Department indicated to me that it's possible that we may have more community safety walks in the future.

Now that the safety walk has happened, and the various representives from the police and parks department have talked the talk, will they walk the walk?  Only their actions will tell.

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