Explorer West will be holding their 7th annual dinner and auction on the evening of March 17th at the Jerry Brockey Student Center at South Seattle Community College.
This year’s theme is “All Aboard the S.S. Explorer West!” I can’t even imagine what the talented folks at Explorer West are dreaming up for this adventure. Last year, the auction’s theme evolved around Paris. When you entered the room, you were greeted by a 30 foot tall Eiffel Tower (including the light show) and felt as though you had stepped into a street side bistro. I’ve gone to several school auctions in my lifetime, this one amazed me. The school is still procuring items for the auction as well. If you would like to attend this event and/or donate the the auction to support the only independent private middle school in West Seattle, please contact Kathleen at Explorer West.
This is from a reader who emailed a comment to me. I have since corrected this post to add “middle” school to the last sentence.
Just to note: EW is not the only independent school in West Seattle. It is, to my knowledge, the only independent stand-alone middle school in WS, however. Tilden School, just north of the Junction (rents space from, but is not affiliated with, First Lutheran Church), serves K-5 students. Lots of those talented EW parents are former Tilden parents! Westside School also serves Preschool-grade 5 students, and West Seattle Montessori serves Pre-primary through grade 8.
Thanks, and keep up the good work!