Last night we reported on the sail boat (technically a tri-moran) that was taking on water off the shores of Emma Schmitz View Point. At the time, the captain was certain everything was under control.
It appears the very same boat, sofa and all, sunk off in the Puget Sound waters by Harbor Crest Condos.

View from Harbor West Condos
Even the smaller boat that was appearing to assist the tri last night is beached.
Updated 2/14/13 7:00PM
Scupper here, spoke to the skipper about what happened during last night’s tow from Emma Schmitz View Point as well as his future plans to “right the ship”. He explained that he made it to about Fauntleroy when his battery died on his run-about tug due to leaving the running lights on while beached. By the time he changed batteries out, the current pushed him back to the condo’s.
Skip is hoping to make some fiberglass repairs over the next couple of days (at low tide) and then move on towards his Tacoma birth.

Cracks in fiberglass needing repair. Also newer cracks in pontoons from last beaching.
We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the weather stays as calm as forecasted through Friday. Saturday is posed to be blowing 15 to 25 knots from the SW with waves building from 2 to 4 feet. It could be treacherous to both life and craft if he gets delayed & sets off on Saturday.
Update 2/15/13 8:00AM (High tide)
Appears that the skip has everything tied off and under control.

Tied off to the bulkhead

Starboard pontoon/barcalounger underwater
Update 2/15/13 3:00PM (Low tide)
Skipper making repairs with plywood/screws and duct tape in effort to float the boat on high tide tomorrow morning
just repaired small hole in my fiberglass 15 footer. could make a project out of this but need more info. found vis WSB.
Hi Dennis,
My husband tells me the boat is delaminated (sp?) – this boat is by Harbor West Condo’s in West Seattle off of Beach Drive (Alki neighborhood). This person who owns the boat probably needs a LOT of help!
used to live by the lighthouse… de-lamination is pretty much unfixable on the beach. the force of whatever hit it took caused the layers of fiberglass to separate around the area. Like when you see plywood coming apart. Closing the exterior openings to keep the water out would be a band-aid not sure to stay closed in bang around situations.. Unfortunately, the owner is responsible for removing it from the beach in whatever manner. I’d float it to the launch on Alki and get it on dry land first.
Been to both commercial diving school and boat-building school- not just talking…could strap a thin futon type material with backer around the damage and limp home, or drag it up on a materials barge, or strap 55 gal drums in place and inflate, can use toggle type bolts through the hull to draw a patch up tight, or styrofoam peanuts in the outboard pontoon, but eventually it’s gotta come out for permanent repair. Salvage guys might be cheaper than you think-check references. If there’s actually a trailer for this, just run for the launch.
Curious now to have a look.
diver laura might want to bring her crew down…
let us know if you decide to check this out – I’m sure he’d appreciate any help!