Do you have a rental property on Beach Drive? Read this!

The Seattle City Council created an ordinance that requires all rental properties be registered with the city of Seattle. This rolled out a few years ago and, if you’re like me, you may recall hearing about it and assumed it was for folks who had multiple rental properties and did not apply to those who just have one rental or a mother-in-law apartment they’re renting out…WRONG!

The Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance (aka RRIO) requires all rental properties, including attached dwelling units (aka mother-in-law apartments) to be registered with the City of Seattle.

The deadlines to register your Seattle rental home depends on the zip code the property is located in.  Beach Drive rentals with a zip code of 98116 have until September 30, 2015 to register their rentals. Rental properties with a zip code of 98136 have until June 30, 2016 to register.


The cost to register a 1-unit rental is $175. The penalties to not register your rental home are a steep $150 per day for the first 10 days, climbing to $500 per day after that.

The city will also require that your rental be inspected by either a City inspector or one that you hire (who has been approved by the City).


I recently wrote about this on my other blog and I’ve been surprised at how many Seattle landlords are not aware of this ordinance.

So if you have a rental unit in the City of Seattle, you need to learn more about RRIO. For more information or to register your property, click here.