Sunset Photo from the other day…

I hope you’ll never grow tired of sunset photos!   This photo is actually from July 1, 2008.


A Huge Thanks to Everyone Who Help Find Orson

Dsc_0119 A huge thank you to the couple who found my old pug, Orson, last night.   I had thought I had our house locked up when I went next door to the neighbors to watch last nights sunset while our two fools husbands were boating.   

When I returned home, Orson was no where to be found.   I began to walk up and down Beach Drive calling for my dog with no luck…my neighbor (aka Beach Drive Babbler) had a couple in a car drive by ask what the commotion about.   The Babbler asked them to keep a look out for an old pug wander the streets.    By now I’m pretty upset because Orson has more heart than brains and very poor vision with his one "good eye".  While I was searching for him I saw raccoon a running down Jacobson–Dsc_0109bigger and meaner than my dog…definitely more "street savvy".  I’m panicked.

Just as I began to fall apart, the car pulls up and out jumps a very excited Orson.  Apparently he had made it all the way to La Rustica (it figures he’d search out food).   I’m so sorry that I don’t remember the nice couple’s names–I was pretty emotional.    

Orson now thinks he’s a "super dog" or at least a puppy again after his late night adventure.    He’s barking and growling (feeling tough) more than usual and keeps looking at me like he should have constant treats.   

A big heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped find my old friend, Orson.

Last Nights Sunset Pre-Thunder


A friend of mine noticed that the thunderstorm started about the time it was announced the Sonics are leaving Seattle.

Sunset from a hot West Seattle Night


This photo from last night is compliments of Mother Nature.  We have another warm day in forecast for today.   Who’s complaining?

Sunset from the first Summer Sunday


Scenes from Last Night’s Sunset



Yesterday’s weather and sunset was a real gift.   Mother Nature surprised us with a beautiful sunny day while we were expecting a cool grey weekend…I would not want to be a Weatherman in Seattle!    Will Mother Nature surprise us again today?   I sure hope so. 

Surprise Sunset for a Drizzly Day


I didn’t expect to see a pretty sunset today–this literally took my breath away.  I guess I shouldn’t under estimate Mother Nature!

The Everlasting Gobstopper of Sunsets

Last night’s sunset was incredible!  I took over 40 pictures…here are my favorites from the sunset that just kept going.






The Tale of Two Sunsets

Last night… Dsc_0002



Seagull Diving for Crab at Rocky Beach



Thanks to BDB reader, Chuck, for sharing these amazing photos.