Crime: UPS Package and Car Ransacked and Seattle Night Out

We received this message via Facebook yesterday:

WARNING!!!! We live on Jacobsen Road and came home to my package delivered from UPS open and item stolen. Be aware of mail thieves and package thieves.

And learned from another neighbor by Jacobsen/Beach Drive that their car was ransacked….nothing was stolen because nothing was left to steal.  However the creeps left the glove box open and it was apparent someone had gone through the car looking for valuables.

Seattle Night Out is less than a month away on August 7th – let's have a HUGE turn out. If you're planning a SNO around Beach Drive, please comment and let us know or send me a private email.

Don’t Forget the Beach Drive Community Safety Walk on June 1

I just confirmed with Mark Solomon with the Seattle Police Department that the Beach Drive Community Safety Walk is still taking place tomorrow night at 6:30pm.  The plan is to "muster at Emma Schmitz Park and canvas a portion of Beach Drive, completing our walk at Me Kwa Mooks Park".  

I'm not sure exactly where at Emma Schmitz this will be commencing, if I find additional information, I will share it with you.

This event is as a result of the tragic unsolved murder of Greggette Guy that took place over two months ago.  

We're hoping for a huge turn-out!  Please spead the word to your Beach Drive neighbors.

Community Safety Walk on Beach Drive

We have been notified by Mark Solomon, Crime Prevention Coordinator for the Seattle Police Department, that a community safety walk has been scheduled for June 1, 2012 at 6:30 pm.

Following the tragic murder of Greggette Guy two months ago, several in the Beach Drive community have been expressing concern about the safety of Emma Schmitz and Mee Kwa Mooks parks in the evening.  This walk is to give us an opportunity to point out areas that could have improved safety.

When and if I have more information from Mark Solomon or any other City officials, I'll let you know.


Seattle Police Department Newsletter

Download Seattle Police Email Newsletter112

You can read the most recent Seattle Police Department Newsletter by clicking the link above.  


Family of Greggette Guy offers $10,000 reward [corrected]

GreggetteIt has been six weeks since the murder of 51 year old Greggette Guy who was last known to be walking along Beach Drive on a stormy evening.  Last night, Fox News 13 aired an interview Greggette's husband, Dwight, about her tragic death. The interview ends with a reminder that her murderer has not yet been caught.  The family is offering $10,000 for a tip that will lead to the arrest and conviction of her murderer.  Click here to watch the interview.

We, along with other neighbors, have been in contact with various city officials about the safety of our neighborhood. We have been told there will be a community safety walk in the next few weeks (a few weeks ago).

Please stay vigilant and safe.  Don't be afraid to call 9-1-1 when you need to.

UPDATE April 30, 2012: We received bad information from the parks department regarding the bench that is being installed today.  This bench is not being dedicated to Greggette.  We sincerely apologize for this miscommunication.



West Seattle Crime Prevention Council Meeting Tonight at 7pm

Via West Seattle Blog:

PARKS SUPERINTENDENT AT WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Issues of safety and security at city parks arose after last month’s murder of Greggette Guy, believed to have happened at West Seattle’s waterfront Emma Schmitz Viewpoint. Tonight, acting Seattle Parks Superintendent Christopher Williams is the guest at the WS Crime Prevention Council‘s monthly meeting; Southwest Precinct police leadership also will be there as always to discuss the latest crime trends and answer community questions. 7 pm, SW Precinct meeting room (Delridge/Webster).


I'm just learning of this now, thanks to Suzanne, if any of our readers are going – please feel free to share your comments or what you learn at tonight's meeting.

UPDATE:  Here is West Seattle Blog's coverage of what was discussed regarding the murder of Greggette Guy.

Seattle police increasing their presence along Beach Drive SW

By land and by sea, Seattle police are keeping their word regarding increased visibility along the Emma Schmitz Memorial Park.  This cruiser was spotted off the park Monday afternoon…


Is this show of force making you feel safer? According to Captain Paulsen of the SPD during his report to concerned residents on March 20, he stated:

One of the things I have done is thrown some extra patrol cars down in the area, it’s not so much going to catch somebody or anything, but … this type of crime causes a lot of fear and we want to subside that fear by having this presence down there for you all. … Trying to think what else I’d like to say in regards to that. (watch video on West Seattle Blog

According to many of the neighbors within a stones throw of Emma Schmitz, shedding some light on the park would help the nerves a whole lot more.  A little digging has uncovered a successful attempt to light up a nearby park just north named Cormorant Cove (just so happens that Greggettes body was recovered at this park).


When asking Seattle City Light what needs to happen to get the same treatment for Emma Schmitz, a representative responded…

The flood light on the pole by Cormorant Cove Park is being paid for by HARBOR WEST CONDO HOA which is the condominiums right next door. The light is actually angled toward the condo's although it is illuminating the park area too. If you'd like a flood light at Emma Schmitz Park my advice is to contact and get approval from Sea. Parks & Recreation at (206)684-4075. The monthly fee for a 400 W flood is $17.64. 

Well, I can tell you that this particular light is squarely focused on the park. There's another light on the pole just to the south that illuminates the condos parking lot. Less than $20 bucks a month?… I'll bet 2 months of park lighting that other Beach Drive neighbors would kick into a fund for lighting the lower section of Emma Schmitz for years to come. 

 Scupper for Beach Drive Blog

My thoughts following Greggette Guy’s Vigil

As residents of Beach Drive, who live not far from Emma Schmitz Park, we joined with others to take part in Greggette Guy's vigil on Sunday evening. After taking a stand to walk united in her memory and listening to her father's tearful plea to make the park safer, some ideas have been formulating.

Greggette's father would like the dark lower sidewalk of Emma Schmitz, often covered in graffiti and not in street view, to be closed at dusk and better lit. He would also like a memorial in her name.  What if we, as a community, come together to have a light installed to make the lower sidewalk safer and have it dedicated in Greggette's name

I'm reading on West Seattle Blog tonight that the Seattle Police Department state they feel the murder probably took place in that section of the park.  Representatives from the city have shared stats of how safe Beach Drive is…in my opinion, two murders in that park in that area in 20 years in the same area is not acceptable.  Pruning back and removing shrubs is not enough.  Even with ALL shrubs removed, a murder or other crimes could happen without anyone being able to witness from the street.  The lower sidewalk, as Greggette's father said on Sunday evening, is a "death trap". 

Via Facebook today, I noticed that Sally Bagshaw was promoting a "large public funds neighborhood match" program.  I feel that the city should have the responsibility of keeping that sidewalk safe and well lit to avoid crimes.  Perhaps our Beach Drive community can help raise funds to do something special to dedicate the lighting in Greggette's memory.  Funds may also be raised to help increase the reward for tips leading to the capture of her murderer.

Again, just some of my thoughts in light of recent events.

What can we do?

What can you do?

Who do you know?

I'm proud to be a West Seattle-ite and love my neighborhood. I'm so saddened about what happened to Greggette. Let's take action as a community to do what we can to make sure this doesn't happen again.

I would love to start fund raising and would appreciate hearing any advice or input from our readers who have experience with this.

Everyone and anyone reading this post CAN do SOMETHING.

Tonight’s Vigil along Emma Schmitz Park in Memory of Greggette Guy

Tonight about 70 or more people gathered at the north point of Emma Schmitz Park and walked the park to Jacobsen and back. Neighbors reunited and perhaps met for the first time during this calm, cool evening at this event organized by Judy Bentley.  

Candles and flashlights were lit as we stood together in silence.  Ms. Guy's father appeared to thank everyone for the vigil and for remembering Greggette.  He said that they used to walk this area together and that she enjoyed walking here during storms. He called the lower area of Emma Schmitz (which is out of view from the street) a "death trap" and he wants Seattle's Mayor McGinn to do something to remedy this.  He would like to see the park closed at night with better lighting and a memorial to be created for his daughter.  Several people came forward to offer condolences and hug Greggette's father.  He said that had he known she was going to walk Beach Drive that night, he would have joined her.   

The media was quick to interview Greggette's father after his words to our group.

Neighbors held several casual discussions with many ideas of what can be done to make this area of Beach Drive a safer place.  Many have offered to volunteer their services or time.  A neighbor is organizing a sign up so that people don't need to walk alone along this stretch of an area that "should" be safe. I believe that in Greggette's memory, many of us will work toward making this park a safer place through our own actions and by contacting our local politicians so that we can hopefully deter something like this from happening again.



Click here for West Seattle Blog's coverage, including a video of Greggette's Father and what he had to say to our neighborhood. 

Beach Drive neighbors organizing a vigil and walk tonight at Emma Schmitz

We received word this morning from a Beach Drive neighbor that a vigil and walk has been planned tonight, March 18th at 7:00 PM to remember Greggette Guy and to claim the parks as safe public space.

We'll gather at the north end of Emma Schmitz Park on the waterfront side of Beach Drive and walk the length of the park, carrying candles and flashlights as needed.  We'll accompany anyone who needs company on the walk home.

A warm thanks to our community for organizing this event!