West Seattle Crime Prevention Council Meeting Tonight at 7pm

Via West Seattle Blog:

PARKS SUPERINTENDENT AT WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Issues of safety and security at city parks arose after last month’s murder of Greggette Guy, believed to have happened at West Seattle’s waterfront Emma Schmitz Viewpoint. Tonight, acting Seattle Parks Superintendent Christopher Williams is the guest at the WS Crime Prevention Council‘s monthly meeting; Southwest Precinct police leadership also will be there as always to discuss the latest crime trends and answer community questions. 7 pm, SW Precinct meeting room (Delridge/Webster).


I'm just learning of this now, thanks to Suzanne, if any of our readers are going – please feel free to share your comments or what you learn at tonight's meeting.

UPDATE:  Here is West Seattle Blog's coverage of what was discussed regarding the murder of Greggette Guy.

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