Blue Heron caught peeping into Beach Drive Homes

This morning our guard cat, Rocko, spied a Blue Heron scoping out our neighbors home.


The Heron looks like he’s wondering what’s being served for breakfast. There is actually a second heron on the beach below.



Soaking in the sun

This seal seemed to be posing for pictures yesterday while sunning himself off of the shores of Beach Drive by Emma Schmitz View Point.
















Brazen break-ins on Beach Drive

We’re hearing of a couple of home burglaries that have taken place on this week in the Mee Kwa Mooks / Emma Schmitz View Point neighborhood of Beach Drive. The burglaries tooks place during the day where the thieves broke through glass doors or windows to gain access to the home. Electronics were stolen in both cases.

Please be extra alert. Report anything unusual to 9-1-1 and lock your doors and windows. Criminals are hoping for easy access during warm summer days.

Stay safe!!

Collectible Plates for Sale

Just off Beach Drive at 5407 Jacobsen under the blue awning, you’ll find a variety of collectible plates for sale today. Stop by and say hello to their goats!

Found Bike

A Beach Drive neighbor contacted us this morning as it appears a bike has been possibly abandoned at their condo.

The mountain(?) bike looks like it could belong to a child and is silver and purple.

If you’re missing a bike, please let us know!

LOST DOG: Have you seen Elektra? UPDATE: FOUND!

August 12, 2013 at 9:07 am: UPDATE: Elektra has been found.  Many thanks to Beach Drive neighbors Alexa and Clyve and everyone else  for helping to reunite Elektra with her humans.

Elektra is a  5 year old black curly coat retriever who is lost tonight. Her owners are visiting friends at the 4700 block of Beach Drive and she became spooked and took off running down the street.


Help Clean Up Alki Beach Park this Saturday, August 3rd

The Alki Community Council is jointly sponsoring the Seal Sitter’s clean up of Alki Beach Park this Saturday from 9:00 am to noon.  For more information, or to rsvp for this event, click here.

Sandy - Beach cleanup 2013

Obliteride to race through Beach Drive

On Sunday, August 11, 2013, around one hundred cyclist will pedal the through Beach Drive as part of their 180 mile trek for Obliteride.  Obliteride Obliteride is a fundraiser for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to help obliterate cancer.

Our neighborhood is the 2nd day of a 180 mile course with day 2 beginning at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma and finishing in Magnuson Park in North Seattle.

Neighbors are encouraged to come to the end of their driveway, set up chairs, play music and cheer for the cyclists as they ride through the area. Cyclists will be wearing a rider number on their helmet, back of jersey and on the back of their seat.

Here’s the West Seattle portion of the course from Burien:

          • Right on Marine View Drive (Arbor Heights)
          • They will go downhill from there (Endolyne Joes) 
          • Continue through the intersection and head North to Fauntleroy
          • Right on Fauntleroy (South end of Lincoln Park)
          • Left on 47th Ave. SW (Union 76 station)
          • Downhill to Lowman Beach
          • Soft right onto Beach Drive to Alki 
          • Rest Stop at Coastal Surf Boutique (10am – 2pm)
          • Continue on Alki Ave. to Harbor Ave 
          • Left on Alki Trail and over lower W. Seattle Bridge

Let’s cheer these cyclist on for such an important cause!


Seattle Night Out is Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Seattle Night Out will be here in ten days!  If you are planning an event for your area on Beach Drive, it’s not too late to register your event with the SPD.  You are also welcome to share your Beach Drive area Night Out event on our Facebook Page.

This event is a great way for neighbors to connect.

From SPD:

Night Out Against Crime is an opportunity for individual neighborhoods to renew their commitment to the following:

  • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness
  • Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs
  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships
  • Send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

It’s a great excuse to get together and celebrate your neighborhood! If you would like us to promote your Beach Drive area Seattle Night Out event – please let us know!

Video of last nights fireworks off Beach Drive

Lots of oohs, ahs and wows took place last night watching the beautiful fireworks display that took place off the shores of Beach Drive by Me Kwa Mooks Park.