Beach Drive Natural Gas Main Replacement

Puget Sound Energy will be replacing portions of the existing underground natural gas main along parts of Beach Drive in two weeks. This project is expected to start on May 13th and last for up to seven months from the 4800 block to Lincoln Park Way. This stretch of Beach Drive will be reduced to one lane and controlled by flaggers and portions of sidewalks may be closed.

Some PSE customers may experience an interruption of natural gas. PSE says they will notify customers prior to work if their gas is required to be temporarily shut off. Please call 1-888-225-5773 for more information.

Jeff McCoy is the PSE Project Manager. He can be reached at; reference project #109115749.

Ready for the good news??? I’m hoping this will deter some of the speed racers down Beach Drive this summer… at least from Lincoln Park to Jacobson.


  1. I’ve noticed the paint tags left on the street and sidewalk over the past week by the locator crew between 5000 and 5200, and the street signs ready to go up on Monday the 20th. It makes me wonder if they’re looking at progressing this roughly at about this distance (i.e. every block of 200 house numbers) every thirty days. I’m trying to calculate when they’ll reach my address.

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