After we all successfully flatten the curve on the covid virus, KEEPING the curve on the West Seattle Bridge will be the next hurdle to deal with.

Photo credit to Westside Seattle
SDOT has been busy with mapping out major detour routes funneling drivers to the 1st Avenue South bridge and beyond as the lower bridge is reserved for emergency, port and busing (not sure how strong the argument is gong to be for car owners to opt for cramming into buses on the heals of a pandemic i.e. more cars). Among other routes they’re missing will be the inevitable morning migrations south along Beach Drive and Alki Avenue. I can see traffic cops pulling double shifts at Endolyne Joe’s as Beach Drivers and ferry traffic tangle to get south via Barton & Marine View Drive.
Beach Drive Blog has taken the liberty to amend SDOT’s detour map to highlight what we envision.
With no timeline being offered on bridge repairs, I’d be begging my employer for the night shift!
Scupper, reporting for Beach Drive Blog
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