Port of Manchester WA?

Yes, they actually do have an “official port” where their 3 elected members meet at the library once a month. Now they have something to really talk about, two 1000+ foot cargo ships anchored off their shores! Long term neighbors along Beach Drive have commented about never recalling cargo ships of this size tucking in behind Blake Island.


The first cargo ship anchoring off Manchester was reported on November 6th by B-Town Blog as making an abrupt U-turn due to weather or mechanical issues…

“The ship Hyundai Force was going south to Tacoma at 1:15 p.m. when it made a U-turn and proceeded slowly in a northern direction.
When the ship made the U-turn it was just north of Three Tree Point.
As it made the U-turn, it blew its fog horn several times.
Clearly must be a response to the strong winds.
Note the trail of white behind the ship showing where it made its U-Turn.”

The Hyundia Force and the NYK Constellation are most likely hanging out waiting for the contract embattled Longshoreman in Tacoma to pay attention to them. The work slowdown has been stacking up ships and cargo up and down ports of the West coast. The Facebook page for Pier Trucker Seattle pretty much sums up how the slowdown is affecting our local transportation and exports (warning for explicit language).


Scupper, reporting for Beach Drive Blog

About Scupper


  1. Kathee Card says

    Do the cargo ships anchored off Manchester pay mooring fees? And if so, to whom?

    • Hello Kathee,
      The 5 approved ship anchorages out by Manchester and Blake Island are managed by the Coast Guard and apparently have no connection to the small Port of Manchester. The purpose of this anchorage was originally for shelter from high winds but have morphed into overflow for ports in Seattle/Tacoma. I can’t be certain but am pretty sure the shipping companies are no paying any moorage fees.
      On a side note, I just anchored on the NW side of Blake Island because most the buoys have been pulled out in that particular area. The boat on the park moorage ball is subject to fees while those “anchored” are not. Thank you for commenting, Scupper

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