Seattle Night Out is just 3 Weeks Away!

SNO If you haven't started planning your neighborhood's Seattle Night Out event yet–its probably time to start!  Seattle Night Out is August 3, 2010. If you want to meet neighbors, which is a great way to prevent crime, your "Night Out" doesn't have to be extravagant.   Our area of Beach Drive has done pot lucks in the past and it's been a nice way to stay acquainted. 

If you have something planned, send us a shout out.   If you haven't heard from any of your neighbors, why not start one?  Contact a fellow neighbor and create your own Seattle Night Out!    You can register your event by clicking here.

The Seattle Night Out sitehas posters you can print and fliers you can hand out to invite nearby neighbors.   You really just need a place to get together and you can really keep the event simple or create what ever you'd like.   The whole point is getting together and keeping in touch so we're familiar with who our neighbors are.

By the way, if you're an organizer or Captain of a Block Watch in West Seattle, be sure to join this group on Facebook.

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