June 18, 2009
Dear Community Friends,
Night Out is now ready for online registration at http://www.seattle.gov/police/nightout/default.htm.
Summertime Security Tips
During warm weather months, we often see an increase in burglary and theft. Reasons for this include:
q Windows at residences left open for ventilation when residents are not home.
q Unattended open garages while residents are working in the yard or have briefly left the home.
q Unattended personal belongings while at a park or other recreational venues.
q Unattended personal belongings visible in our vehicles.
We want to remind you about the potential for an increase in burglary and theft and provide you with concrete steps you can take to reduce your vulnerability. Please share these tips with your neighbors.
Close And Lock Windows; Limit How Far They Can Be Opened
q Always close and lock windows whenever away from the home. If you choose to ventilate your home when you are not home because of the heat, be aware that you are vulnerable and an easy target for the burglar.
q If you leave windows open enough for ventilation, secure with less than 4” opening with a dowel. Some windows have stops installed on the inside track, which help prevent the window from being opened too far. However, some of these are not very sturdy and can be opened given the right amount of force. Augment those stops with a dowel. For double hung windows, use sash pins to better secure the windows.
Lock Your Doors
Install good quality dead bolt locks with at least a 1” throw on all exterior doors.
q Replace the existing screws in the strike plates and two screws per hinge with 3-4 inch screws. This will secure the doorframe to the 2×4 framing of the house. This makes it much more difficult for a person to force open a properly locked door.
Working In The Yard
If working in the yard in the front or back of the home:
q Do not leave your front door open and/or unlocked. Close and lock garage and storage unit that is out of your line of sight. Be mindful of what is in plain view to anyone who may walk or drive by.
Secure Tools and Ladders
q Secure all tools, including ladders, so they cannot be used to gain entry into your home or that of a neighbor.
Make it appear that your home is occupied.
q You can do this by having timers set within the home that will turn lights on and off. You may want to consider timers for your exterior lights or photocell attachments (which activate when it gets dark and go off when it becomes light) and motion sensors.
If Away For An Extended Period Of Time
q Ask a friend or trusted neighbor to watch your home and collect your mail and your newspaper. If they see suspicious activity, they will know to call 911 for you.
q Call Police 625-5011 and ask for a “Request to Watch” for your home while on vacation
Do Not Leave Personal Belongings Unattended
Whether they are in a shopping cart or on a picnic blanket, always maintain positive control over your belongings. Never leave personal belongings unattended in your vehicle.
has an incredibly high rate of theft of personal property from vehicles, particularly at public parks.
Resources To Keep You Informed
Police Blotter, http://spdblotter.seattle.gov/
Subscribe to SPD: Crime Blotter http://feeds.feedburner.com/SeattlePoliceSouthwestPrecinct
Police Blotter, Megan Sheppard,
West Seattle
West Seattle
Blog, Tracy Record, Editor
Seattle Police Department main web page
Southwest Precinct Web-page
Police Crime Statistics
For More Information Call: Benjamin Kinlow,
Crime Prevention Coordinator, (206) 684-7724 or email benjamin.kinlow@seattle.gov. Check out www.seattle.gov/police/precincts/southwest/prevention.htm
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