Say Good Bye to the Mail Box at Jacobsen and Beach Drive

Jan10 026According to this notice, the mail box at Jacobsen and will be removed during the week of January 19, 2009 due to "insufficient volume".

For more information, contact the Supervisor of Delivery and Collection at (206) 768-4368.


  1. I am very unhappy about this. The postman/woman takes a break every day right across the street…how hard is it to pick up the mail there at the same time? I happened to be up at the post office and they said that the next street mailbox is not in a reasonable walking distance, so likely people will just need to drive up to the post office to drop off outgoing mail

  2. I’m not happy about it either, Cat Woman. I will not leave my mail out in the mail box and it seems hard to believe that there’s only 16 pieces of mail on average a day there.

    Maybe you should chain yourself to the mailbox in protest? (teasing!)

  3. It’s gone!

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