Sumi – Beach Drive Blog’s Pet of the Week


Sumi  and her owner doesn’t live "on" Beach Drive, but has walked it for 2+years from our home near Bar-s.  So we’re in the neighborhood, and have many friends along Beach Drive from our walks.  Here’s a picture of Sumi, my Portuguese Water Dog, Ms. Congeniality!!!  She loves people, and is a major flirt.  She now recognises uniforms of Fed Ex, UPS, USPS and will zero in on them knowing that the odds of a treat are pretty good! 


Do you have a Beach Drive pet you’d like to submit for Pet of the Week? Simply email a photo with their story.


  1. capriquarious says

    mi’s people, if you see this post and you are interested in meeting, please respond and we can take it from there. Have a great day!

  2. capriquarious says

    Oops. The first part of my message is missing… I said that our PWD pup Cheeto thinks that Sumi is adorable and wonders if she would like to meet and maybe even play a bit???

  3. capriquarious

    Sumi would love to meet Cheeto! Don’t we love our PWDs! Maybe a rendez-vous some afternoon at Emma Schmitz? Or some other local on Beach Drive?

    Sumi & Pat

  4. capriquarious says

    Hi again Pat and Sumi. It’s Susan, Cheeto’s person. Here is my e-mail address: Please feel free to e-mail me about getting our PWDs together for a play date. Looking forward to meeting you two.

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