Sunny-Side-Up Jellyfish

I spied this Jellyfish (which looks like a sunny side up egg, to me) while the USS Kitty Hawk was cruising to Bremerton the other morning.Dsc_0226



To see more photos of this jellyfish, click here.


  1. That first photo especially is SO cool! We see these jellyfish this time of year all over the place (especially down by the Water Taxi dock at Seacrest) but usually in order to see the tentacles/stingers/whatever, you have to see them in an aquarium. Will make a note to link to this later tonight or early tomorrow for anybody who doesn’t catch it directly off your site or off our blogroll page … it’s a must-see!

  2. Thanks, Tracy. I have a link to your Beach Drive burglary in the post above. 🙂

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