Is it Time to Build Up Your Bulkhead?

This article in Friday’s Seattle PI states that under worse case scenario, the Puget Sound may be 2 feet higher by 2100 based on a report released Thursday by scientists with the University of Washington and state Department of Ecology:

"The calculations took multiple factors into account. In the plus column are the increased water coming from melting glaciers and ice caps, including the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, and the expansion of the oceans as they warm. Changes in wind patterns can push more water ashore, raising sea level. Geological factors, namely plate tectonics, can shove land masses upward or sink them. In general, the Northwest coast is slowly rising while as you move southeast, the land sinks.

Adding that together, the average scenario shows by 2050 no sea level rise for the northwest portion of the Olympic Peninsula, a 5-inch rise for the central and southern portion of the coast and a 6-inch rise for the Puget Sound region".


At the very least, this could be a good time to inspect your bulkhead for possible damage to make sure it can weather our storms.   The last few have been close calls for our home…a few more inches of water coming over would have done it for us.   

Should a Beach Drive bulkhead fail, it could be detrimental to many nearby homes.

Who do you recommend for bulkhead repair or inspections?


  1. If you think you are going to live until 2100, perhaps you should move.

    In fact, a lot of info you report is sorely lacking in facts. Sounds like you are scared to death to live in West Seattle.

    I am sure the neighborhood would not miss you a bit!

  2. Martha,
    Nope…I won’t be here around 2100 unless modern science allows me too…my ashes will be and hopefully my kids and grandkids.

    I’m not scared to death to live in West Seattle. I love it.

    I’m only sharing an article that was published in the Seattle PI yesterday with neighbors.

    Thanks for stopping by and reading beach drive blog.

  3. Martha needs to understand this is a blog and a very good one. If she wants to know all the facts, the site always refers you to the source for further information. Perhaps she is just afraid to look?????????

  4. I am looking for a barge service to help me move into my property. I need a boat that can bridge from the boat to my bulkhead, as it is on the sound and their is no dock. My property location is three tree point in burien.

    Thanks Jim

  5. John Williams says

    Our problem is the opposite of rising sea levels – it’s FALLING sea levels. In 2007 our highest tide was nearly a foot lower than the highest tides in 2006. As a result the water is eroding the base of our bulkheads. Anyone know of a contractor that can check it out? We can’t wait for global warming to raise the sea level back to what it was.

  6. If you are looking for a contractor for the seawall that is something we get into as a full service general contractor, we can provide all the design, engineering and take care of all the requirements for the city. Please let me know if you would like to meet and review the project. Tom Fine, Fine Construction, Inc. 206-938-2300 x 201

  7. Everyone is happy. You get to stay in Seattle with a beautiful new bulkhead and support a local contractor and local jobs. BTW Fine Construction does great work.

  8. What an improvement! The Jacobson Road New Roof!
    Fine Construction took the two roof off the stucco home on Jacobson and it has transformed that house. The project was fast and the homeowners are very pleased. It’s such a pleasure working with great people and producing a nice product.

    Tom Fine, Fine Construction, Inc.

  9. Kevin McClintic says

    Call Brian Campbell at Campbell Maritime. He operates a small tug and barge service based in Lake Union.
    You can find his phone number on his website at:

    Even if you don’t need his services, he has a daily blog update of what the company did on any given day. I have followed his blog for several years. He generally posts a short story with a new picture daily.

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