Here are a few notes from the Block Watch meeting we had last night for the 4600-4800 blocks of Beach Drive.
The meeting was ran by Benjamin Kinlow, Crime Prevention Coordinator for the Seattle Police Department and he invites any others who are interested in starting a block watch to contact him 206-684-7724.
Block Watches create a sense of community. Neighbors get to know each other on a first name basis. Once we know each other a little more, from events like Seattles Night Out, the more we look out for each other.
During the last 12 months, the biggest complaints from the 11 neighbors present is car prowlers and people sleeping in front of Mee Kwa Mooks Park in their cars. As well as illegal dumping in the park.
Here are a few tips that were shared last night:
- Make sure your neighbors know when you’re leaving your home for an extended period of time, such as a vacation. (Even if you have someone house sitting). When you go on vacation, you can make a "request to watch" with the SPD. They’ll try to include your home when they are driving around on patrol.
- Create an inventory list of your belongings in the event of theft or loss. You can do a written list (I have extra forms from the meeting available) including serial numbers, or take photo graphs and store off site. This is also useful for insurance purposes.
- Keep your home appearing "lived in". Consider using timers on your lights.
- Install a "No Soliciting" sign on your door. NEVER open your doors to strangers.
- Make sure that your yard is well lit.
- There are two ways into your home: your doors and your windows. Use 3 inch screws in your striker plate and your hinges in order to reinforce your door to the wall. For windows, make sure you have two separate ways they’re locked so that if someone breaks your window at one point, it’s still secure.
- Think like a burglar. Walk up to your house and estimate how long it would take to enter. The longer it takes, the less desirable your home is to the bad guys (and gals).
- Make your valuables less attractive my engraving your driver license number on them.
- Install community Block Watch signs to let non-residents know that our community looks out for each other.
- Don’t be afraid to call 9-1-1. You can also use the Seattle Police non-emergency line: 206-625-5011 (if it’s not an emergency).
Benjamin Kinlow provided pamphlets on Neighborhood Safety, Vehicle Security, Personal Safety and Your Family Disaster Kit.
I’m really pleased with the gathering we had. I understand that there is another Beach Drive Block Watch group that is forming in the 5000 block. Someone else has contacted me expressing interest in starting a Block Watch Group for the 4200 Block of Beach Drive. I highly welcome using Beach Drive Blog for "connecting" the block watches by sharing information amongst each other. If you have a Block Watch on Beach Drive, please let me know.
More information specific to the meeting last night is located on the secure neighbor site with the link on the left and/or via an email newsletter.
If you’re a Beach Drive Neighbor and need a log in, please contact me.
Related links:
Seattle Police Department Southwest Precinct
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