This evening, I saw this bird on the shore along Mee Kwa Mooks Park…I’m not sure if it’s an Eagle. What do you think?
All about the West Seattle neighborhood around Beach Drive
This evening, I saw this bird on the shore along Mee Kwa Mooks Park…I’m not sure if it’s an Eagle. What do you think?
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Rhonda, I think it is an Eagle as I was told that the juvenile Eagles have brown feathers that turn black and white later- Can anyone else verify this??
My sister-in-law, Paula, just called me (instead of using the comments on this blog) to say she thinks it may be a Golden Eagle? I’m not sure. I was amazed yesterday and I just couldn’t stop taking pictures!
Yep, that’s a juvenile bald eagle. They have been active around Mee Kwa Mooks park for years. The migratory brants (the ones who look a little like Canada Geese who are flocking along our beaches right now) are among their local prey. Golden eagles are not very common on this side of the Cascades.
I thought I had done a post on this photo (currently on the Beach Drive alblum)
It’s of an eagle plucking a duck from the sound. I didn’t know what the eagle was fishing for (guess I was hoping fish) when I captured the photos.