I Spy with my Eagle Eye?

This evening, I saw this bird on the shore along Mee Kwa Mooks Park…I’m not sure if it’s an Eagle.   What do you think?





  1. Rhonda, I think it is an Eagle as I was told that the juvenile Eagles have brown feathers that turn black and white later- Can anyone else verify this??

  2. My sister-in-law, Paula, just called me (instead of using the comments on this blog) to say she thinks it may be a Golden Eagle? I’m not sure. I was amazed yesterday and I just couldn’t stop taking pictures!

  3. herongrrrl says

    Yep, that’s a juvenile bald eagle. They have been active around Mee Kwa Mooks park for years. The migratory brants (the ones who look a little like Canada Geese who are flocking along our beaches right now) are among their local prey. Golden eagles are not very common on this side of the Cascades.

  4. I thought I had done a post on this photo (currently on the Beach Drive alblum) http://www.mortgageporter.com/photos/sunrise_and_sunsets/dec_29_086.html

    It’s of an eagle plucking a duck from the sound. I didn’t know what the eagle was fishing for (guess I was hoping fish) when I captured the photos.

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