Historic Homes Tax Credit Program

With over 24% of the homes on Beach Drive built before 1930, I thought this article in the Seattle Times may be of interest to you.   Click here to read more…

Living with a Historic Home

SeaviewLast month there was an interesting article in the Seattle PI regarding historic homes in Seattle.  It touches on the Hainsworth House and Seaview Hall both currently for sale in West Seattle.  It also discusses things to consider if you’re thinking about applying for landmark status for your home.  To read more…click here.

The Painted Lady’s turn for Ink

Satterleehouse2don A friendly Beach Drive neighbor just pointed out this article published today in the Seattle PI regarding the Satterlee home.   To read the article, click here.

Should you decide to purchase this home, you can be Scott and Susan’s neighbor!

Beach Drive Home Gets Good Ink

Scottl_1Local neighbors, Scott and Susan Lipsky received a very nice write up in Seattle Times yesterday on their grand 1912 home (located across the street from The Painted Lady, which is currently listed for $995,000).  To read more…click here.

A Lovely Day for a Walk


It was such a day out that my husband and I decided to walk to the Log House Museum on Alki.    So I thought I would share some photos I took along the way.    At the Museum, a volunteer was asking if we are residents and we told him where we live and that we just started a blog on our area.   He wanted to know if I knew the identity of the West Seattle blogger!  Maybe he is the person behind the West Seattle Blog?!   Mysteries are so much fun!

The fine folks at the museum also informed us about the Alki News Beacon, a local Img_4752publication that I was not aware of.

On the way back, we toured Seaview Hall which was recently listed for a cool $1.8 million.   It’s amazing how much restoration has been done to this historic home.  Personally, I think it would make a great bed and breakfast if you have a spare mil or two!