Archives for November 2011

Busless on Beach Drive: Frustration from Neighbors over Metro Bus Route 37 and upcoming meetings

I received this email today from a Beach Drive neighbor, Tonya, who also sent this to others in media and local news organizations.  She asked that I post this to share with fellow neighbors who are also upset about the potential loss of our only bus service on Beach Drive.

Hello –
I am extremely disturbed by the idea of cutting Route 37. Do you understand the amount of taxes we pay just for living on that street? It’s bad enough it’s the most anemic route in Seattle and there is NO weekend service but now you want to cut it altogether?

There is also a sizable elderly community that rely on that bus for their sole transportation. Is it fair they would have to walk ½ mile perhaps in the snow to get to the nearest bus?

I take that bus every day to work and back. 

And so do the majority of my neighbors – who also vote and pay taxes. Please take the time and explain to me why you find this decision beneficial to the taxpayers of Beach Drive.

We are encouraged to live “green” and this proposal flies in the face of what Seattle is supposed to stand for.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you, 

– – –
Tonya C. Osborne

Tonight from 7:00 – 9:00 pm there is a meeting at the South Seattle Community College, 6000 – 16th Ave SW, President's Board Room to address Metro's changes to our transit system.

After tonight, the next public meeting for West Seattle with King County Metro is on November 17, 2011 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm at Madison Middle School.

Purse seiners working the waters off Beach Drive

I counted at least six boats making sets for the chum salmon run yesterday. It's pretty interesting seeing how these boats operate the nets. The following shots were taken as the sun was just coming over the hill…



The days and times for this type of fishing is a moving target set by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife . Purse seiners had the green light for areas 10 and 11 (Seattle/Tacoma) between 7:00AM to 6:00PM.

Beautiful Sunset Pics from last Saturday

Beach drive sunset 2 (2)
Sunset beach drive 2196 (2)


Thanks to Beach Drive neighbor, Chuck, for sending us these beautiful photos of last Saturday's sunset.  See more of Chuck's photos on Flickr.